Astrology and Numerology

What is Astrology and Numerology?

Two different elements that bind the human life, astrology is our journey through the existence of planets in our daily struggles of life while numerology is the influence of numbers our life revolves around. From lucky numbers to teaming the right planets to influence better destiny in life, both, astrology and numerology play a strong role. Some might perceive both these elements differently, yet there is a common thread that contains powerful insight and mastery that seldom lies with everyone.

Extracted from birthdate, attitude, and path, numerology acts as a great companion to, astrology and helps bring clarity of predictions with its additional refinement when done correctly. The game of numbers and planets has great significance in human life that filters external and internal decisions and growth. Both elements help be a guiding factor in your life and can derive better meaning into your strengths and weaknesses.

The idea behind calculations can not just change your current life, but also help make critical decisions simpler for the future. Ever wondered why superstars from Bollywood buy special car numbers? Or why do they release movies on particular dates or months? Well, the answer is simple, they have come in contact with the art of numerology and astrology that is not just helping them climb the ladder to success but also making them sustain their career and lifestyle.

From leadership skills to driving innovation, buying property, or bringing home a new car, numerology and astrology have the potential to give you results that prepare you for the life ahead. While you cannot go back in the past and undo your misfortune, you certainly have the power to build a fantastic future, why not start today?

Why choose Astrology and Numerology by Acharya Ravi Kumar Sardana?

It goes without a doubt that the play of numbers and planets is not for the inexperienced as it can be damaging if not done with precision. Acharya Ravi Kumar Sardana has over 30 years of practice and knowledge devoted to the science behind numerology and astrology.

Consult Acharya Ravi Kumar Sardana When:

You aim to follow dreams but have difficulty achieving them

You want to know more about money matters and travel plans

You seek answers to questions about education, money or success

You want to change your path and grow into a more successful avenue

You need guidance on marriage compatibility or choosing a wedding date

Be it finding the perfect day to have a celebration or buying a new home, investing in businesses or simply finding a shiny future, numerology and astrology accuracy can be found effortlessly once you enter in the world of Acharya Ravi Kumar Sardana. With his passion for learning newer ways of enhancing a person’s aura and his capability to blend his teachings and expanded knowledge, he has the potential to draw an outcome that can help you scale many heights.

The phrase LUCKY NUMBER did not take birth out of a fluke. If you are yet to get connected with the right numbers and planets in your life, you might be missing out on several opportunities that may or may not knock on the door twice. Find your guiding planet and numbers that can alter your life’s future decisions and even bring in prosperity.

What Your Session Will Include:

Accurate analysis of your chart with positive and negative results given by planets and remedies thereof

Get to know your lucky and favorable number, lucky days, appropriate spelling of your name, or firm’s name

Ways to get a promising future through a variety of numbers for mobile, vehicle or house

Methods to channel luck in existing things you possess.